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W&DW Executive Committee will continue its work despite COVID-19

Audiovisual authors representing their CMOs who are members of the Executive Committee of W&DW – Writers And Directors WorldWide, are continuing their work remotely in order to determine and quantify the damages the pandemic has caused for audiovisual directors, writers and playwrights worldwide.

Yves Nilly President – SACD France; Andrea Purgatori Vice President – SIAE Italy; Horacio Maldonado 1st Vocal – DAC Argentina; Malgorzata Semil – ZAIKS Poland; Danilo Serbedzija DHFR Croatia; Laza – APASER Pan Africa; Germán Gutiérrez -ARGENTORES Argentina; Gilles Cayatte – SCAM France; Curro Royo – DAMA Spain; Klemen Dvornik – AIPA Slovenia; Luisa Luna W&DW Creators’ Councils Coordinator France.

W&DW Executive Committee continues to work remotely with the aim of setting out the new goals for the defense of author’s rights around the world, based on the damage that COVID-19 is inflicting on audiovisual authors. The main goal is for federations and organisations to collaborate in order to protect the authors affected by the pandemic and avoid misuse of their works when they do not get fair remuneration. In a world that is adapting to a new reality, audiovisual works have seen an unparalleled and unexpected demand.

The present agenda also discusses possible dates to reschedule annual meetings that bring together authors from all over the world. Although the W&DW Annual Congress, which was to be hosted by DGK – Directors Guild of Korea – in Seoul, Republic of Korea, had to be suspended, we are studying possible dates when conditions are deemed appropriate and safe for authors from around the world to gather for this crucial and forthcoming meeting.


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