From March 25th to 27th, The Annual W&DW Congress will be held in the city of Moscow, Russian Federation. This International Council of Dramatic, Literary and Audiovisual Works is carried out with the objective of strengthening the concept of authors’ rights within the region.

After years of joint work and investigation about the needs of Russian authors, W&DW together with the regional collaborator for the Russian Federation and other countries of the region – Silvana Jarmoluk, Film Director and Master in Fine Arts of the Russian University of Cinematography VGIK – together with ADAL – Latin American Audiovisual Directors’ Alliance – and FESAAL – Federation of Societies of Audiovisual Latin American Authors – and with the full support of thesister society RUR – Russian Union of Right Holders– hand in hand with their General Director, Mr. Andrey Krichevsky, and the Sub Director and Chief of the International area Mr. Erik Valdés-Martines – fully dedicated to the region, and in continuous contact with Audiovisual Creators institutions and colleagues – places its objectives in the Russian territory, with the purpose of communicating the actions which W&DW carries out on a global scale, the campaigns for fair remuneration for authors in defence of authors’ rights, to the ends of having their colleagues rights properly defended and accordingly remunerated not only in the Russian territory, but all over the world as well.
In November 2018, W&DW ´s Executive Committee- formed by 10 world renowned authors and their colleague member observers, came together in the city of Moscow, on a key step for Russian Authors, gathering them to express their total support in this fight for their rights. This landmark was of such vital interest, for the President and Vice President of W&DW to be called to a meeting and be cordially receptioned by the authorities of the Department of Authors’ Rights of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with whom they saw eye to eye about the need for defence of authors’ rights, and expressed their full support.
Fernando Pérez Valdés – Ernesto Vila Gonzalez
W&DW brings itself to new objectives, establishing al prioritary all societies which need help and support to reaffirm themselves, and reconstruct themselves as CMOs – Collective Management Societies – to this end, political dialogue with those countries which keep their struggle for a fair remuneration law, is of vital importance. As is already customary in the annual congresses of this creators counsel, a great number of authors of CMOs from around the world is expected, counting, in this opportunity, with a very important author such as Fernando Pérez Valdez, Cuban Director, host and witness of the creation of FESAAL – Federation of Societies of Audiovisual Latin American Authors – during the last Latin American Congress of Audiovisual Authors’ Rights, held within the frame of the 40º FIC in Habana.
The expectations are big for the Annual W&DW Congress in the city of Moscow, not only because of the historic fact that an Authors Rights for Screenwriters and Directors of the Russian Federation may be created, but as well, because unquestionably, it will encourage surrounding countries with a model to follow – this example of their Russian colleagues defence of their rights.
The work of W&DW will be, as always, that of collaborating and advising about the creation of such authors´ societies, in order to enable them to cover such a vast region with a scarce knowledge of such recognitions.
To authors´ right, one does not resign – the vision must become action.