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Meeting of FESAAL Technical and Legal Committee

During the virtual meeting held via the Zoom platform, the FESAAL Legal and Technical Committee outlines new objectives and approaches the legal problems of the Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors.

Integrated by 25 members who are legal assessors ad technicians of the management societies members of FESAAL, the Legal and Technical Committee comes together, as every year, with the objective of providing solutions to the problems each society has seen in their territory, and from there on, providing a common resolution; a solution where all sister societies can collaborate and bring ideas forward. The Federation works as a fusion, a collective of professionals that help each other and arrive to solutions together, acting on a fundamental international basis of support. The first established societies in Latin America and members of FESAAL offer their experience to those societies in the process of constitution, and also to societies already established, which are at the start of their agreements with users, and collection of rights.

This type of meeting has proven fundamental for the growth of the region. The Committee´s agenda holds not only the approach to different problems but also to fundamental matters going forward, questionings on the development of new tools, changes in current laws, adaptation to the new times in terms of audiovisual matters and its means of transmission. The support which the legal and technical committee gives audiovisual authors regarding the conduction of societies, results fundamental when making decisions for the authors collective.

Latin America is an example of how the defence of author´s right has advanced; she is the actor who proves and exemplifies that great objectives are obtained through the collective struggle, where audiovisual authors defend their rights; rights that cannot be negotiated.


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