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Justice stops the letters which demand to pay 400 euros for piracy to European citizens

The Court of Justice of the European Union (TJUE) has decided to annul, momentarily, the letters which requested thousands of citizens to pay a 400 Euro fine in exchange of not taking them to trial for committing piracy

After the thousands of letters which arrived at the doors of the European population, a Belgian judge requested help from the highest court in the continent in order to stop this measure. Months after accepting the petition, European Justice will have to make the decision whether this action is legal or not.

David Maeztu, a lawyer who defends the platform, recommends not paying in any manner the fine they received. The site gathers together different citizens who received the letters with the fines and their objective is to fight together, so they will be left without effect.

In Spain, two companies were found to be linked to the letters the lawyers have been sending. One of them is Crystalis Entertainment, a company whose main business is to buy original producing companies to afterwards claim the author’s righs for any piracy of their works.

The lawyers present at court a list of IPs, through which they assure having discovered persons downloading protected contents and ask the judge to request the internet provider to reveal the identities of the persons who contracted the lines.

Now, it is expected that the Court of Justice of the European Union will make a decision on the subject and its verdict, whether a violation of authors rights existed or not, for the works in question.


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