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Defending Authors´s Rights and Fair Remuneration
for Audiovisual Authors around the world

Brazil: Historic Agreement with Netflix on Author’s Rights Remuneration
By Matheus Leitão - Veja Collaboration between associations and the streaming service boosts a bill on author’s rights and related rights...

Brazil: DBCA Elected Its Board of Directors for the Next 3 Years
The Brazilian Society of Film and Audiovisual Directors (DBCA) has elected its board of directors for the next 3 years, with audiovisual...

Brazil: audiovisual authors more united than ever to have their rights recognized
After three months of hard negotiations, workers from the audiovisual and music sectors in Brazil could not reach an agreement concerning...

Audiovisual Authors from around the world gather in Brazil to defend their rights
The AVACI International Congress 2023, one of the largest gatherings of audiovisual authors in the world, will take place from May 2nd to...

FESAAL, SAA and CISAC to hold joint event for an international remuneration right
The Federation of Latin American Audiovisual Authors -FESAAL-, their European counterpart Society of Audiovisual Authors -SAA-, and the...

The 2022 General Assembly of FESAAL was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay
During November 9th and 10th, the annual meeting of the Latin American Audiovisual Authors Societies Federation was carried...

FESAAL held its 2021 Annual General Meeting
Last Thursday, November 4, a General Meeting was conducted, where the member societies of the FESAAL (Audiovisual Authors Societies...

Our sacred Author's Rights in the Brasilia Film Festival
Gathering around 500 directors, with 1,750 registered works, which represents the most consistent artistic and cultural GDP in Brazil,...

DBCA calls Brazilian Audiovisual Creators to declare their works
DBCA – Brazilian Film and Audiovisual Directors calls upon over 300 audiovisual authors and/or their heirs, in their territory, to...

Brazilian victory: Audiovisual Directors start collecting author’s rights
DBCA (Brazilian Film and Audiovisual Directors) announces to companies who broadcast Brazilian audiovisual content (terrestrial...

Brazil: Audiovisual Societies obtain authorization to collect and distribute authors’ rights
After a long road in the defence of authors’ rights in Brazil, Audiovisual Authors of the DBCA Societies – Brazilian Directors of Cinema...

Another Latin America success: the Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors was held
The Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors was held on December 12th, 13th and 14th in the city of Havana, Cuba, within...

Brazil: “Our sacred Author’s Rights” ever closer!
After a long struggle to obtain a fair remuneration, the Brazilian audiovisual creators are one step closer to achieving. At the best...

Brazilian’s audiovisual authors will collect author’s rights
After a long struggle for the recognition of their rights, the Brazilian authors met with the Minister of Culture Sérgio Sá Leitão who...

The pioneer of rights dies – Nelson Pereira dos Santos
The death of renowned Brazilian author Nelson Pereira dos Santos, brings shock and great sadness for the loss of the true father of...

W&DW Rio 2016 Annual Congress
The Annual Writers & Directors Worldwide Congress was held in September in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It took place on the 28th, 29th and...

Welcome DBCA – Directores Brasileiros de Cinema e do Audiovisual – Rio/Brasilia 2015
Great level of attendance of Directors and general audience for the launching of DBCA – Directores Brasileiros de Cinema e do Audiovisual...

Author’s Rights Sessions – Colombia 2015 – Video
In this video you will find a summary of the sessions held in Cartagena and Bogotá. Last March, Authors´Rights Sessions were held in the...
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