Defending Authors´s Rights and Fair Remuneration
for Audiovisual Authors around the world
Challenges and Advances in Gender Matters in Audiovisual Media at the AVACI Congress 2023
Africa: the challenge of conquering rights in a developing audiovisual industry
Korea: between hits on the screen and rights claims for the audiovisual sector
AVACI supports the strike of American authors united in the Writers Guild of America
AVACI celebrated the International Congress of Audiovisual Authors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
AVACI elected new authorities: Klemen Dvornik was appointed as President
Audiovisual Authors from around the world gather in Brazil to defend their rights
Official launch of APASER activities at Africa's largest film festival
The AVACI ExCo met to close the year 2022
AVACI Executive Committee meets in Slovenia
APASER is named collective management society
FESAAL is designated as an Observer Member of WIPO
GEDAR announces the distribution of the first international collection to Brazilian Screenwriters
APASER visits DAC for an AVSYS training
EDAP requests collaboration to FESAAL for the implementation of AVSYS