AVACI Sanctioned Its Social Statute in Extraordinary General Assembly
Defending Authors´s Rights and Fair Remuneration
for Audiovisual Authors around the world
Madagascourt Film Festival: A Showcase for the New Generations of African Cinema
Madagascar: a country that struggles and dreams of new horizons for its audiovisual authors
Africa: the challenge of conquering rights in a developing audiovisual industry
Official launch of APASER activities at Africa's largest film festival
The AVACI ExCo met to close the year 2022
The 2022 General Assembly of FESAAL was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay
APASER is named collective management society
APASER visits DAC for an AVSYS training
EDAP requests collaboration to FESAAL for the implementation of AVSYS
Pan African Screenwriters and Directors announce the creation of an app for smart phones
FESAAL executes a memorandum of cooperation, collaboration and understanding with W&DW and APASER
W&DW: ADAL, APASER and PACSA alliances together in a new meeting at the Annual Congress in Algiers
New Pan-African Alliance joins the Global Congress of Writers and Directors