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Defending Authors´s Rights and Fair Remuneration
for Audiovisual Authors around the world

Danilo Serbedzija: The Challenge of Strengthening Croatian Audiovisual Authors
By Ulises Rodríguez The history of cinema in Croatia dates back to the early 20th century when the first short films were shot in what...

AI and author’s rights: Reflections from the AVACI Congress
The last day of the Congress of the International Confederation of Audiovisual Authors AVACI , on November 7, featured the talk " The...

FESAAL 2024 Congress: Gender Equity in Latin American Audiovisuals
As part of the Annual Congress of the Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors (FESAAL ) , held on November 5 in...

AVACI and FESAAL Congresses 2024: A Commitment to the Future of Audiovisual Rights Worldwide
With a record-breaking attendance of audiovisual authors’ societies from around the world, the annual assemblies of the Federation of...

Challenges and Advances in Gender Matters in Audiovisual Media at the AVACI Congress 2023
Among the different activities carried out at the AVACI 2023 International Congress, held in the Brazilian city of Río de Janeiro between...

AVACI elected new authorities: Klemen Dvornik was appointed as President
During the last International Congress of AVACI, held from May 2 to May 5, 2023, in the city of Río de Janeiro, Brazil, the International...

Outstanding Brazilian media coverage of the AVACI 2023 International Congress
The most important mass media in Brazil performed an outstanding journalistic coverage of the recent edition of the AVACI International...

Audiovisual Authors from around the world gather in Brazil to defend their rights
The AVACI International Congress 2023, one of the largest gatherings of audiovisual authors in the world, will take place from May 2nd to...

The annual event was attended by Audiovisual Screenwriters and Directors representing the five continental alliances which are part of...

First AVACI International Congress
It shall take place on June 9 and representatives of the five alliances that are part of the Confederation shall attend it. The...

FESAAL Annual Congress 2020 Latin American Audiovisual Authors
Latin American audiovisual societies will be the founders of the first International Confederation of Audiovisual Authors. Watch the...

Writers and Directors Worldwide Annual Congress will be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea
The International Council of Creators of Dramatic, Literary and Audiovisual Works will once again reunite in the city of Seoul, next July...

Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors‘ Societies was held.
The Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors– FESAAL, held their Annual Congress on October 2nd and 3rd at the Hyatt...

New Annual Congress of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors FESAAL
The Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors will hold their upcoming annual congress in the city of Cartagena de...

WITHOUT PRECEDENT: Worldwide Authors gathered in Moscow after a new W&DW Annual Congress
Video also available with Russian subtitles / Видео с русскими субтитрами With a historic attendance from Authors, authorities of...

The next W&DW Annual Congress, which gathers authors across the world, will be held in Moscow
From March 25th to 27th, The Annual W&DW Congress will be held in the city of Moscow, Russian Federation. This International Council of...

Another Latin America success: the Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors was held
The Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors was held on December 12th, 13th and 14th in the city of Havana, Cuba, within...

Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Creators – Havana – Cuba 2018
On the next month of December, the Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Creators will be held in the city of Havana, Republic of...

The next Writers and Directors Worldwide Annual Congress will be held in Moscow in March 2019
For the first time, the Executive Committee of the International Council of Authors W&DW has met in the city of Moscow, Russian...

W&DW Annual Congress Algiers
A large number of Societies of Authors Worldwide, met again to celebrate once again, the W&DW annual Congress held in the city of...
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