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Defending Authors´s Rights and Fair Remuneration
for Audiovisual Authors around the world
DBCA calls Brazilian Audiovisual Creators to declare their works
DBCA – Brazilian Film and Audiovisual Directors calls upon over 300 audiovisual authors and/or their heirs, in their territory, to...
The defense of audiovisual rights in Latin America above related rights
Audiovisual authors’ collective management associations in Latin America are threatened by related rights associations that intend to...
The new law for audiovisual authors was sanctioned in Uruguay
With the approval of Law Nr. 19.858 this past December by the Uruguayan parliament, AGADU – General Association of Uruguayan Authors...
New Zealand in the search for the reform of their authors ‘right law
Authors in New Zealand gathered yesterday with the authorities of their country, with the purpose of initiating a reform to the author’s...
Collection of Audiovisual Author’s Rights of VOD platforms is increasing
European guidelines at the time established a two-year deadline so each nation could implement this regulation according to its national...
Justice stops the letters which demand to pay 400 euros for piracy to European citizens
The Court of Justice of the European Union (TJUE) has decided to annul, momentarily, the letters which requested thousands of citizens to...
DGK at the home of the Audiovisual Directors DAC Directors Argentina
The first week of September, DAC – Directors Argentina – received DGK – Directors Guild of Korea – representatives in its offices :...
Great advance: Decree Law of the Independent Audiovisual and Cinematographic Creator in Cuba
O Decreto-Lei Nº 373 «Do Criador Audiovisual e Cinematográfico Independente» foi aprovado pelo Conselho de Estado, no dia 25 de março de...
Latin America advances: FESAAL Technical Committee
Training sessions took place, with the presence of all member management societies of FESAAL. Latin America keeps moving forward for the...
EU negotiators make progress to update Authors’ Rights rules
Strasbourg, 13 February 2019 Europe’s New Copyright Law Could Change the Web Worldwide “The principle of an appropriate and proportionate...
The President of France defends the protection of Author’s Rights on the Internet
The 13th edition of the Internet Governance Forum, held in Paris between 12th and 14th November 2018, organized by UNESCO, counted at its...
Author’s Rights vs Copyright
The system of “Author’s Rights” has traditionally been opposed to that of “Copyright “, particularly in the field of audiovisual and...
W&DW meets Harry Shearer to share good practices in the struggle for authors’ rights
On the 23 June, Writers & Directors Worldwide president, Yves Nilly, met with acclaimed author, director and actor, Harry Shearer to...
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