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Defending Authors´s Rights and Fair Remuneration
for Audiovisual Authors around the world

Central America: A Region of Talent, Opportunities, and Challenges for Audiovisual Authors
By Ulises Rodríguez In recent years, audiovisual production in Central America has experienced uneven growth. Some countries have managed...

AI and author’s rights: Reflections from the AVACI Congress
The last day of the Congress of the International Confederation of Audiovisual Authors AVACI , on November 7, featured the talk " The...

Mario Mitrotti: a lifetime of creation and advocacy for the rights of audiovisual authors in Colombia
Mario Mitrotti has just turned 80 years old and stands as Colombia's most seasoned audiovisual creator. Born in Panama and a Colombian by...

Goya Awards: Strong Support for INCAA and Argentine Culture
La Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Spain presented the 2024 Goya Awards, and in this 38th edition of the prestigious...

Argentina: International Support Against New Government Laws Threatening Author’s Rights
Between December 20 and 27, 2023, the new Argentine government led by President Javier Milei first announced the Decree of Necessity and...

Panama: the challenge of consolidating local productions and asserting the rights of its authors
In the last decade, Panama has experienced significant advancements in the audiovisual sector, encompassing both television and the film...

AVACI elected new authorities: Klemen Dvornik was appointed as President
During the last International Congress of AVACI, held from May 2 to May 5, 2023, in the city of Río de Janeiro, Brazil, the International...

The Korean Copyright Commission visited DAC in Buenos Aires
The campaign for a law on remuneration rights in South Korea does not rest. On February 27, a delegation from the Korea Copyright...

FESAAL traveled to WIPO’s 63rd assembly
In July of this year, representatives of FESAAL -Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors- traveled to Geneva,...

Argentina: Draft of a New Law to Promote the National Audiovisual Activity
After two and a half years of debate and hard work, the ENA, National Audiovisual Space - is preparing...

ATN celebrates its triumph before the Constitutional Court
The Constitutional Court of Chile ruled that the petition of unenforceability claiming unconstitutionality, filed by the open television...

REDES and DASC sign a contract with the cable operator Tigo-Une
REDES SGC, the Colombian Network of Audiovisual Writers, Collective Management Society, announced last December 30 the execution of a...

AVACI condemns the reprehensible invasion of Ukraine and the war unleashed by Russia
The International Confederation of Audiovisual Authors - - strongly condemns the invasion of the territory of...

APASER visits DAC for an AVSYS training
During December, a delegation of APASER (Pan-African Alliance of Screenwriters and Directors) will travel to Buenos Aires for a training...

EDAP requests collaboration to FESAAL for the implementation of AVSYS
The Association of Writers, Screenwriters, Playwrights and Audiovisual Directors of Panama (EDAP) has recently requested the...

France: streaming platforms shall invest in local productions
Since July 1st, on demand audiovisual content platforms, such as Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max or Apple TV, must assign...

Spain proposes a tax on streaming content platforms aimed to finance public television
Within the project of the new Audiovisual Law of Spain, it has been proposed that on demand audiovisual content companies, such as...

European Commission officially launches €2.5bn Creative Europe programme
European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth MariyaGabriel launched on June 17 in Lisbon the Creative...

The “Netflix Tax” is approved in Switzerland
Streaming content platforms shall pay 4% of their incomes in order to foster the audiovisual production of such country. At the beginning...
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